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Can Broccoli Cure Herpes in 2016

Natural diet and lifestyle vs herpes

It's been about 40 years since the herpes cure studies have started, but unfortunately each vaccine has failed and each HSV therapy can only help with herpes symptoms but not the main cause of the herpes virus. It is a well known fact that herpes is actually a virus that, after been infected with, permanently travels to the nerve skin cells in the human body. It may be in an activated condition and result in outbursts and other common conditions, or it might lie dormant for many years awaiting the time to appear. But it doesn't make any difference whether the hsv simplex virus is in activated state or not, because in either case it is transmittable and can be transmitted to others via sexual activity or skin.

Learn More About Herpes Simplex Virus, Its Symptoms And How It Is Transmitted

Right after getting infected with herpes simplex virus most people find out soon enough hard truth about curing herpes. Medical doctors usually suggest antiviral drugs that usually can reduce breakouts and decrease the quantity of outbursts each year. Then again those medications are not a cure for herpes simplex virus and have severe side effects. There is a whole artickle about cure for herpes and chances to be developed in 2017

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- Antiviral prescription drugs can cause side-effects and gradually destroy immune system.

- Antiviral medications decrease the risk of infecting partners with herpes, but they do not terminate that risk.

- Most prescription drugs should be taken each day which may be very pricey.

So is there a method to overcome herpes simplex virus?

Recent analysis demonstrates immune system can suppress herpes simplex virus so it won't produce any kind of discomfort and there won't be painful outbursts. Healthy and balanced lifestyle is an important for herpes patients as it is the easiest way to increase immune system and increase overall wellness. Health professionals suggest doing the following things in an effort to battle herpes virus:

- Give up smoking

- Give up consumption alcohol

- Increase more fresh vegatables and fruits to your diet program (keep in mind, that some uncooked product like nuts, seed products etc. could cause outbreaks)

- Give up having coffee, energy beverages and sodas

- Do anti-parasite cleansing

- Consume alkaline waters with high pH level

- Get enough deep sleep (not less than 7-8 hrs each night)

- Take care of the amount of stress

Remember that dramatic changes in life style could cause a stress to a body and cause severe flare-ups.

Recently we have witnessed progression in herpes cure studies. Dr. Christiane Buehlern (who lived with oral and genital herpes during the past) and Dr. Ken Languin completed 479 clinical trials and found the right way to use immune system not only as a defensive process to maintain herpes simplex virus in an passive stage, but to get rid of herpes from your nerve cells by isolating protein IP-47 from them. Dr. Christiane Buehlern was able to remove the herpes virus from her body within 3 weeks. Although the following investigation had not been publicized in medical related magazines yet, Dr. Buehlern decided to go public with it to help as many people today as you possibly can. As of this moment we have seen more than TWENTY SEVEN thousand individuals that successfully removed herpes simplex virus from their body.